The IDLmlSoftmax class implements a Softmax model that can be used for classification purposes.


; Read data
read_seeds_example_data, data, labels, $
   N_ATTRIBUTES=nAttributes, N_EXAMPLES=nExamples, $
   N_LABELS=nLabels, UNIQUE_LABELS=uniqueLabels
; Shuffle data
IDLmlShuffle, data, labels
; Normalize data
Normalizer = IDLmlVarianceNormalizer(data)
Normalizer.Normalize, data
; Partition data
Part = IDLmlPartition({train:80, test:20}, data, labels)
; Define the model
Classifier = IDLmlSoftmax(nAttributes, uniqueLabels)
For i=0, 100 do loss = Classifier.Train(part.train['data'], $
confMatrix= IDLmlTestClassifier(Classifier, part.test['data'], $
  part.test['labels'], ACCURACY=accuracy)
Print, 'Model accuracy:', accuracy 
; Classify the first example
Print, Classifier.Classify(data[*,0])


Result = IDLmlSoftmax(Nattributes, Outputs [, Keywords=Value])



Specify the number of attributes that the input data will be required to have.


Specify the array of possible outputs. It can be an array of numbers or strings. Outputs can also be a scalar number; in that case, the possible output values will be all integer numbers from 0 to 'outputs' minus one.


LAMBDA (optional)

Specify the contribution of L2 regularization in the loss function. By default, this is 0. Increasing this argument may help with model overfitting issues.

SEED (optional)

If repeatability is desired (such as for testing), set this keyword to the seed variable used to randomly initialize the weights.



A hash that maps internal classification values to desired labels, if the model was defined using custom labels.


The L2 regularization factor used to calculate the loss and gradient when training the model.


The number of input attributes the model requires.


The number of possible outputs.


An array of possible outputs.


The current weight values that make up the Softmax model. Weights represent the strength of connection between the network units. Initially, they are a set of random numbers, but as the model is trained the weights will change, reflecting a model that is better trained.



The IDLmlSoftmax::Classify method assigns each example to an output class, returning an array of label results.


Result = Obj->[IDLmlSoftmax::]Classify(Features [, Keywords=Value])

Return Value

The method returns an array of class values that correspond to the data provided.



Specify an array of features of size n x m, where n is the number of attributes and m is the number of examples.


LOSS (optional)

Set this keyword to a variable that will contain the loss result, which is a unitless number that indicates how closely the model fits the training data. Loss is defined as the total error computed by the loss function specified in the LOSS_FUNCTION parameter when creating the model, which defaults to Mean Squared Error if not specified.

SCORES (optional)

Set this keyword to an array of size m, where m is the number of examples containing the actual scores associated with the features. Use this keyword to pass in the actual scores associated with the features if you want to calculate the loss.


Set this keyword to a variable that will contain the actual internal class values for the classification results.


The IDLmlSoftmax::Evaluate method evaluates a number of features and returns an array of scores that represent how closely each feature matches each output.


Result = Obj->[IDLmlSoftmax::]Evaluate(Features [, Keywords=Value])

Return Value

This method returns the scores associated with the features. Scores represent the actual numerical outputs obtained by the model in response to a number of inputs.



Specify an array of features of size n x m, where n is the number of attributes and m is the number of examples.


LOSS (optional)

Set this keyword to a variable that will contain the loss result, which is a unitless number that indicates how closely the model fits the training data. Loss is defined as the total error computed by the loss function specified in the LOSS_FUNCTION parameter when creating the model, which defaults to Mean Squared Error if not specified.

SCORES (optional)

Set this keyword to an array of size m, where m is the number of examples containing the actual scores associated with the features. Use this keyword to pass in the actual scores associated with the features if you want to calculate the loss.


The IDLmlSoftmax::Restore static method restores the classifier from a file.


Result = IDLmlSoftmax.Restore(Filename)

Return Value

A reference to the object instance restored from the file.



Specify the name of the file to restore.




The IDLmlSoftmax::Save method saves the classifier to a file.


Obj->[IDLmlSoftmax::]Save, Filename



Specify the name of the file to save.




The IDLmlSoftmax::Train method performs training on the model and the loss, which is a unitless number that indicates how closely the model fits the training data.


Result = Obj->[IDLmlSoftmax::]Train(Features [, Keywords=Value])

Return Value

This method returns the loss, which is a unitless number that indicates how closely the model fits the training data.



Specify an array of features of size n x m, where n is the number of attributes and m is the number of examples.



An optional string with the name of an IDL function to be called on each training iteration. The callback function must accept two arguments: loss and state. The callback function must return 1 (!true) if the training should perform another iteration, or 0 (!false) if it should stop training.

LABELS (optional)

An array of size m, where m is the number of examples, containing the actual labels associated with the features.

LEARNING_RATE (optional)

Set this keyword to the step size to use for updating the model weights. The default value is 0.1.

SCORES (optional)

An array of size m, where m is the number of examples containing the actual scores associated with the features.

TRAIN_STATE (optional)

Specify optional user data to provide for the callback function.

Version History



See Also

IDLmlAutoEncoder, IDLmlFeedForwardNeuralNetwork, IDLmlKMeans, IDLmlSupportVectorMachineClassification, IDLmlSupportVectorMachineRegression, IDLmlTestClassifier