The REGISTER_CURSOR procedure associates the given name with the given cursor information. This name can then be used with the IDLgrWindow::SetCurrentCursor method.

Tip: You can use the CREATE_CURSOR function to translate a string array into an image array suitable for the Image argument. You can also return values for the MASK and HOTSPOT keywords using this function.


REGISTER_CURSOR, Name, Image[, MASK=value] [, HOTSPOT=value] [, /OVERWRITE]



This argument sets the name to associate with this cursor. The name is case-insensitive. Once registered, the name can be used with the IDLgrWindow::SetCurrentCursor method.


Set this argument to a 16 line by 16 column bitmap, contained in a 16-element short integer vector, specifying the cursor pattern. The offset from the upper-left pixel to the point that is considered the hot spot can be provided using the HOTSPOT keyword.



This keyword can be used to simultaneously specify the mask that should be used. In the mask, bits that are set indicate bits in the IMAGE that should be seen and bits that are not are masked out.


Set this keyword to a two-element vector specifying the [x, y] pixel offset of the cursor "hot spot", the point which is considered to be the mouse position, from the lower-left corner of the cursor image. The cursor image is displayed top-down (the first row is displayed at the top).


By default, if the cursor already exists, the values are not changed. By setting this keyword to true, the current cursor value is updated with the values provided by this routine call.

Version History



See Also

IDLgrWindow::SetCurrentCursor, CREATE_CURSOR