A_CORRELATE: Compute the autocorrelation.
BLK_CON: Convolve an input signal with impulse-response sequence.
BUTTERWORTH: Return the absolute value of the low-pass Butterworth kernel.
CANNY: Implement the Canny edge-detection algorithm.
C_CORRELATE: Compute the cross correlation.
CONVOL: Convolve two vectors or arrays.
CONVOL_FFT: Compute the convolution of an image using a product of Fourier transforms for speed.
CORRELATE: Compute the linear Pearson correlation.
DIGITAL_FILTER: Calculate coefficients of a non-recursive, digital filter.
FFT: Return the Fast Fourier Transform of an array.
FFT_POWERSPECTRUM: Return the Fourier Power Spectrum of an array.
GAUSS_SMOOTH: Smooth data using a Gaussian kernel. Also known as a Gaussian blur, it is typically used to reduce noise and detail in an image.
GAUSSIAN_FUNCTION: Create a Gaussian kernel used in convolution.
HANNING: Create Hanning and Hamming windows.
HILBERT: Construct the Hilbert transform.
INTERPOL: Perform linear interpolation on vectors.
IR_FILTER: Perform the infinite or finite impulse response filter on data.
LEEFILT: Perform the Lee filter algorithm on an image array.
M_CORRELATE: Compute the multiple correlation coefficient.
MEDIAN: Return median value of an array or applies a median filter.
P_CORRELATE: Compute the partial correlation coefficient.
R_CORRELATE: Compute the rank correlation.
SAVGOL: Return coefficients of the Savitzky-Golay smoothing filter.
SMOOTH: Smooth with a boxcar average.
TS_COEF: Compute the coefficients for autoregressive time-series.
TS_DIFF: Compute the forward differences of a time-series.
TS_FCAST: Compute the future or past values of stationary time-series.
TS_SMOOTH: Compute the moving averages of a time-series.
WTN: Return wavelet transform of the input array.
WV_CWT: Compute the continuous wavelet transform.
WV_DWT: Compute the discrete wavelet transform.
WV_PWT: Compute the partial wavelet transform.