This is a reference to a vector layer object. Use the ENVIView::CreateLayer method to create an ENVIVectorLayer object.
e = ENVI()
file = FILEPATH('states.shp', $
SUBDIRECTORY = ['examples','data'])
vector = e.OpenVector(file)
view = e.GetView()
layer = view.CreateLayer(vector)
Return Value
This function returns a reference to an ENVIVectorLayer object.
Properties marked as (Get) can be retrieved, but not set.
COLOR (Get, Set)
The vector color. Colors can be specified in the following ways:
- Using a string that contains a standard color name. You can use any of the string values defined by the !COLOR system variable.
- Using a string that contains a hexadecimal color value, preceded by the # symbol.
- Using a three-element RGB vector [red, green, blue].
For example, the following values all specify the same color:
[173, 216, 230]
For vector points, this property describes the symbol color. For vector polylines and polygons, this property describes the line color.
Note: When you retrieve the COLOR property, the returned value will always be a three-element RGB vector, regardless of how the color was initially specified.
DATA (Get)
The ENVIVector displayed on this layer.
The color for the filled polygon area. You can specify color values in multiple formats, as with the COLOR property. This property is ignored if FILL_INTERIOR is not set.
This property is valid only for polygon vectors.
Set this property to 1 to fill the area enclosed by the polygon. Set this property to 0 to clear the polygon. The default value is 0.
This property is valid only for polygon vectors.
HIDE (Get, Set)
Set this property to 1 to hide the layer, and to 0 to display it. The default value is 0.
Set this property to a numerical index or a string containing the line style name or abbreviation. The return value for the property is a numerical index only. This property is valid only for polygon and polyline vectors.
The valid values are:
Index |
String (case insensitive)
0 |
'solid' or '-'(dash)
1 |
'dot' or ':'(colon)
2 |
'dash' or '--' (double dashes)
3 |
'dash dot' or '-.'
4 |
'dash dot dot dot' or '-:'
5 |
'long dash' or '__' (double underscores)
6 |
'none' or ' ' (space)
NAME (Get, Set)
Specify a string value with the name of the layer.
Set this property to a floating-point value specifying the plot symbol size. This property is valid only for point vectors. The default value is 8.
Set this property to a numerical index or a string containing the symbol type name or abbreviation. The return value for the property is a numerical index only. This property is valid only for point vectors. All strings are case-sensitive.
The valid values are:
Index |
String (case-sensitive)
0 |
'None' (the default)
1 |
'Plus' or '+' |
2 |
'Asterisk' or '*'
3 |
'Period' or 'dot'
4 |
'Diamond' or 'D'
5 |
'Triangle' or 'tu'
6 |
'Square' or 's' |
7 |
'X' |
8 |
'Less_than' or '<'
9 |
'Greater_than' or '>'
10 |
'Triangle_down' or 'td'
11 |
'Triangle_left' or 'tl'
12 |
'Triangle_right' or 'tr'
13 |
'Tri_up' or 'Tu'
14 |
'Tri_down' or 'Td'
15 |
'Tri_left' or 'Tl'
16 |
'Tri_right' or 'Tr'
17 |
'Thin_diamond' or 'd'
18 |
'Pentagon' or 'p'
19 |
'Hexagon_1' or 'h'
20 |
'Hexagon_2' or 'H'
21 |
'Vline' or '|' |
22 |
'Hline' or '_' |
23 |
'Star' or 'S' |
24 |
'Circle' or 'o' |
25 |
'Pin' or 'Pn' |
26 |
'Pushpin' or 'pp'
Set this property to a value between 0 and 10 that specifies the thickness of the line displayed in the vector layer. This property is valid only for polygon and polyline vectors. The default value is 1 for shapefiles.
Specify a floating-point value between 0 (opaque) and 100 (invisible) that defines the transparency of the layer. The default value is 0.
The current zoom percentage of the layer. For example, ZOOM_PERCENT=200 means the layer is zoomed by 200%.
Version History
API Version
See Also
ENVI::OpenVector, ENVIVector, ENVIView::CreateLayer, ENVIView::GetLayer, ENVIRasterLayer, ENVIAnnotationLayer