The IDLffXMLDOMNode::GetParentNode function method creates an instance of one of the IDLffXMLDOMNode subclasses and returns an object reference to that object, which refers to the parent node in the DOM tree. The type of the created object corresponds to the type of the parent node.
All node classes except IDLffXMLDOMAttr, IDLffXMLDOMDocument, IDLffXMLDOMDocumentFragment, and IDLffXMLDOMEntity may have parents.
A node that has just been created and not yet added to the tree does not have a parent.
Result = Obj->[IDLffXMLDOMNode::]GetParentNode()
Return Value
Returns an object reference to the new object, which refers to the calling node’s parent in the DOM tree. The type of the new object corresponds to the type of the parent node. If there is no parent, a null object reference is returned.
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