The ISOCONTOUR procedure interprets the contouring algorithm found in the IDLgrContour object. The algorithm allows for contouring on arbitrary meshes and returns line or orientated tessellated polygonal output. The interface will also allow secondary data values to be interpolated and returned at the output vertices as well.


ISOCONTOUR, Values, Outverts, Outconn [, AUXDATA_IN=arrayAUXDATA_OUT=variable] [, C_LABEL_INTERVAL=vector of values] [, C_LABEL_SHOW=vector of integers] [, C_VALUE=scalar or vector] [, /DOUBLE] [, /FILL] [, GEOMX=vector] [, GEOMY=vector] [, GEOMZ=vector] [, LEVEL_VALUES=variable] [, N_LEVELS=levels] [, OUT_LABEL_OFFSETS=variable] [, OUT_LABEL_POLYLINES=variable] [, OUT_LABEL_STRINGS=variable] [, OUTCONN_INDICES=variable] [, POLYGONS=array of polygon descriptions]



A vector or two-dimensional array specifying the values to be contoured. If the data is of double-precision floating-point type, or if the DOUBLE keyword is set, computations are done in double precision and the result is a double-precision value. If the data is of any other type, it is converted (if necessary) to single-precision floating-point; all computations are then done in single precision and the result is a single-precision value.


Output variable to contain the connectivity information of the contour geometry in the form: [n0, i(0, 0), i(0, 1)..., i(0, n0–1), n1, i(1, 0), ...].


Output variable to contain the contour vertices. The vertices are returned in double-precision floating point if the DOUBLE keyword is specified with a non-zero value. Otherwise, the vertices are returned in single-precision floating point.



The auxiliary values to be interpolated at contour vertices. If p is the dimensionality of the auxiliary values, set this argument to a p-by-n array (if the Values argument is a vector of length n), or to a p-by-m-by-n array (if the Values argument is an m-by-n two-dimensional array).


If the AUXDATA_IN keyword was specified, set this keyword to a named output variable to contain the interpolated auxiliary values at the contour vertices. If p is the dimensionality of the auxiliary values, the output is a p-by-n array of values, where n is the number of vertices in Outverts.


Set this keyword to a vector of values indicating the distance (measured parametrically relative to the length of each contour path) between labels for each contour level. If the number of contour levels exceeds the number of provided intervals, the C_LABEL_INTERVAL values will be repeated cyclically. The default is 0.4.


Set this keyword to a vector of integers. For each contour value, if the corresponding value in the C_LABEL_SHOW vector is non-zero, the contour line for that contour value will be labeled (with the corresponding label information returned via the OUT_LABEL_POLYS, OUT_LABEL_OFFSETS, and OUT_LABEL_STRINGS keywords). If the number of contour levels exceeds the number of elements in this vector, the C_LABEL_SHOW values will be repeated cyclically. The default is 0 indicating that no contour levels will be labeled.


Set this keyword to a scalar value or a vector of values for which contour levels are to be generated. If this keyword is set to 0, contour levels will be evenly sampled across the range of the Values argument, using the value of the N_LEVELS keyword to determine the number of samples.


Set this keyword to use double-precision to compute the contours. IDL converts any data supplied by the Values argument or GEOMX, GEOMY, and GEOMZ keywords to double precision and returns the Outverts argument in double precision. The default behavior is to convert the input to single precision and return the Outverts in single precision.


Set this keyword to generate an output connectivity as a set of polygons (Outconn is in the form used by the IDLgrPolygon POLYGONS keyword). The resulting representation is as a set of filled contours. The default is to generate line contours (Outconn is in the form used by the IDLgrPolyline POLYLINES keyword).


Set this keyword to a vector or two-dimensional array specifying the X coordinates of the geometry with which the contour values correspond. If X is a vector, it must match the number of elements in the Values argument, or it must match the first of the two dimensions of the Values argument (in which case the X coordinates will be repeated for each row of data values).

If necessary, data in the supplied vector or array will be converted to match the data type of the Values argument.


Set this keyword to a vector or two-dimensional array specifying the Y coordinates of the geometry with which the contour values correspond. If Y is a vector, it must match the number of elements in the Values argument, or it must match the second of the two dimensions of the Values argument (in which case the Y coordinates will be repeated for each column of data values).

If necessary, data in the supplied vector or array will be converted to match the data type of the Values argument.


Set this keyword to a vector or two-dimensional array specifying the Z coordinates of the geometry with which the contour values correspond.

If GEOMZ is a vector or an array, it must match the number of elements in the Values argument.

If GEOMZ is not set, the geometry will be derived from the Values argument (if it is set to a two-dimensional array). In this case connectivity is implied. The X and Y coordinates match the row and column indices of the array, and the Z coordinates match the data values.

If necessary, data in the supplied vector or array will be converted to match the data type of the Values argument.


Set this keyword to a named output variable to receive a vector of values corresponding to the values used to generate the contours. The length of this vector is equal to the number of contour levels generated. This vector is returned in double precision floating point.


Set this keyword to the number of contour levels to generate. This keyword is ignored if the C_VALUE keyword is set to a vector, in which case the number of levels is derived from the number of elements in that vector. Set this keyword to 0 to indicate that IDL should compute a default number of levels based on the range of data values. This is the default.


Set this keyword to a named variable that upon return will contain a vector of offsets (parameterized to the corresponding contour line) indicating the positions of the contour labels.

Note: The C_LABEL_SHOW keyword should be specified if this keyword is used.


Set this keyword to a named variable that upon return will contain a vector of polyline indices, [P0, P1, …], that indicate which contour lines are labeled. Pi corresponds to the ith polyline specified via the Outconn argument. Note that if a given contour line has more than one label along its perimeter, then the corresponding polyline index may appear more than once in the LABEL_POLYS vector.

Note: The C_LABEL_SHOW keyword should be specified if this keyword is used.


Set this keyword to a named variable that upon return will contain a vector of strings, [str0, str1, …], that indicate the label strings.

Note: The C_LABEL_SHOW keyword should be specified if this keyword is used.


Set this keyword to a named output variable to receive an array of beginning and ending indices of connectivity for each contour level.

The output array is of the form: [start0, end0, start1, end1, ..., startnc–1, endnc–1], where nc is the number of contour levels. If a level has no contour lines, the start and stop pair is set to 0 and 0 for that level.


Set this keyword to an array of polygonal descriptions that represents the connectivity information for the data to be contoured (as specified in the Values argument). A polygonal description is an integer or long array of the form: [n, i0, i1, ..., in–1], where n is the number of vertices that define the polygon, and–1 are indices into the GEOMX, GEOMY, and GEOMZ keywords that represent the polygonal vertices. To ignore an entry in the POLYGONS array, set the vertex count, n to 0. To end the drawing list, even if additional array space is available, set n to –1.

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