
public interface JIDLNotifyListener


The listener interface for receiving notify events from IDL.

IDL objects that sub-class itComponent may trigger a notification by calling IDLitComponent::Notify. Both drawable (JIDLCanvas) and non-drawable (JIDLObject) wrapper objects may be listened to. However by default, JIDLObject and JIDLCanvas objects do NOT listen to their output events.

The class that is interested in receiving IDL notify events of a particular object * implements this interface. The listener object created from that class is registered with the JIDLObjectI using the addIDLNotifyListener method. The listener is unregistered with the removeIDLNotifyListener.

See Also:

JIDLCanvas, JIDLObject, JIDLObjectI

Member Summary


OnIDLNotify(JIDLObjectI obj, java.lang.String s1, java.lang.String s2)

An IDL notify has occurred.


OnIDLNotify(JIDLObjectI, String, String)

public void OnIDLNotify(com.idl.javaidl.JIDLObjectI obj, java.lang.String s1, java.lang.String s2)

An IDL notify has occurred.


obj - The JIDLObjectI in which the event occurred.

s1 - The first string parameter sent via IdlIComponent:Notify

s2 - The second string parameter sent via IdlIComponent:Notify