ARRAY_EQUAL: Test for data equality for two arrays or an array and a scalar.
ARRAY_INDICES: Converts one-dimensional array subscripts into multi-dimensional subscripts.
BLAS_AXPY: Updates an existing array by adding a multiple of another array.
BLAS_GEMM: Updates an existing matrix by adding a multiple of the product of two other matrices.
INVERT: Computes the inverse of a square array.
MAX: Returns the largest value (and optionally its position) of an array.
MEDIAN: Returns the median value of an array or applies a median filter.
MIN: Returns the smallest value (and optionally its position) of an array.
REFORM: Changes array dimensions without changing the total number of elements.
REPLICATE_INPLACE: Updates an array by replacing all or selected parts of it with a specified value.
REVERSE: Reverses the order of one dimension of an array.
ROT: Rotates an image by any amount.
ROTATE: Rotates and/or transposes an array in multiples of 90 degrees.
SHIFT: Shifts elements of vectors or arrays by a specified number of elements.
SIZE: Returns array size and type information.
SORT: Returns an array of indices that sort the array elements in ascending order.
TOTAL: Sums of the elements of an array.
TRANSPOSE: Transposes an array.
UNIQ: Returns subscripts of the unique elements in an array.
WHERE: Returns subscripts of nonzero array elements.
XVAREDIT: Provides widget-based editor for IDL variables.