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Crop Science API

CalculateAndRasterizeCropMetrics Task Calculates statistics from a single-band raster and an associated ENVIAgCrops object.
CalculateAndRasterizeCropMetricsWithSpectralIndex Task Creates a spectral index image and calculates statistics from it and from an associated ENVIAgCrops object.
CalculateAndRasterizeZoneMetrics Task Calculates statistics from a single-band raster and an associated ENVIAgZones object.
CalculateAndRasterizeZoneMetricsWithSpectralIndex Task Creates a spectral index image and calculates statistics from it and an associated ENVIAgZones object.
CalculateCropMetrics Task Calculates statistics from a raster and an associated ENVIAgCrops object.
CalculateGetisOrd Task Creates a Z-score raster to find regions that are statistically significant.
CalculateZoneMetrics Task Calculates statistics on individual zones contained in an ENVIAgZones object.
ConvertZonesToShapefile Task Converts an ENVIAgZones object to a shapefile.
CountAndRasterizeCrops Task Counts crops in a single-band input image and creates a classification raster with their locations and sizes.
CreateAndRasterizeCropLocationGrid Task Estimates the crop count from a raster and a grid derived from three input points, and it creates a classification raster with their locations.
CreateZones Task Divides an input raster into management zones, based on the desired number of application categories that you specify.
CropCount Task Locates and counts crops in high-resolution, single-band images.
CropsToShapefile Task Converts an ENVIAgCrops object to a shapefile.
DevelopingHotspotColorSlice Task Creates a classification raster based on color slices that represent the difference of Z-scores between two rasters calculated from Getis-Ord Gi* hotspot analysis.
EnhanceCrops Task Preprocessing step that enhances crops in a single-band raster.
ENVIAgCalculateCropMetrics Calculates statistics from a raster and an associated ENVIAgCrops object.
ENVIAgCalculateGetisOrd Creates a Z-score raster to find regions that are statistically significant.
ENVIAgCropCount Locates and counts crops in high-resolution, single-band images.
ENVIAgCrops Reference to an ENVIAgCrops object, which specifies the locations and radii of crop centers found in a raster.
ENVIAgCrops::Dehydrate Returns a hash describing this object.
ENVIAgCrops::Export Saves an ENVIAgCrops object to a JSON-formatted text file.
ENVIAgCrops::Hydrate Creates the object from its dehydrated form.
ENVIAgCrops::Remove Accepts a crop index or an array of crop indices, and it removes them from the ENVIAgCrops object.
ENVIAgCropsToShapefile Converts an ENVIAgCrops object to a shapefile.
ENVIAgEnhanceCrops Reference to an ENVIRaster where crops have been enhanced.
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