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Point Clouds

ENVI::OpenPointCloud Opens one or more LAS (.las or .ntf), MrSID (.sid), text (.txt), Terrasolid (.bin), or single project files (.ini).
ENVI::QueryPointCloud Opens a single LAS file (.las, .laz, or .ntf) without processing it into an optimized file format.
ENVIPointCloud Reference to a point cloud object.
ENVIPointCloud::Close Closes the ENVIPointCloud for reading.
ENVIPointCloud::Dehydrate Returns a hash describing this object
ENVIPointCloud::GetPointsInCircle Returns the points that lie within the circle region.
ENVIPointCloud::GetPointsInPolygon Returns points that lie within the polygon region.
ENVIPointCloud::GetPointsInRange Returns unsorted points from the dataset. It is useful for iterating over the entire dataset in chunks.
ENVIPointCloud::GetPointsInRect Returns the points that lie within the rectangular region.
ENVIPointCloud::Hydrate Creates the object from its dehydrated form
ENVIPointCloud::Init Returns the points that lie within the specified tile.
ENVIPointCloud::Save Closes the ENVIPointCloud object for writing.
ENVIPointCloud::WritePoints Writes points to a new .las file.
ENVIPointCloudFilter Used to filter the point data that will be returned from the point query methods of the ENVIPointCloud or ENVIPointCloudQuery objects.
ENVIPointCloudMetadata Contains the metadata for the ENVI LiDAR project.
ENVIPointCloudProductsInfo Stores the fully-qualified filenames for all products generated by ENVIPointCloudFeatureExtractionTask.
ENVIPointCloudProductsInfo::Dehydrate Returns a hash describing this object
ENVIPointCloudProductsInfo::Hydrate Creates the object from its dehydrated form
ENVIPointCloudQuery Reference to a point cloud object that has not been built into an optimized file format.
ENVIPointCloudQuery::Close Closes the ENVIPointCloudQuery for reading.
ENVIPointCloudQuery::GetPointsInRange Returns unsorted points from the dataset.
ENVIPointCloudSpatialRef Spatial reference that can be associated with an ENVIPointCloud object.
ENVIPointCloudSpatialRef::ConvertLonLatToMap Converts a set of geographic latitude and longitude coordinates (using WGS84 datum) to a set of map coordinates (x-eastings, y-northings) in the target spatial reference.
ENVIPointCloudSpatialRef::ConvertMapToLonLat Converts a set of map coordinates (x-eastings, y-northings) to a set of geographic latitude and longitude coordinates using WGS84 datum.
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