Use this procedure to enable and disable the ENVI Classic batch status window. The status window is used to show the progress of the processing routines.

ENVI_BATCH_STATUS_WINDOW allows you to precisely control the status window and to enable and disable the status window multiple times in a single batch mode session. In addition, the keyword NO_STATUS_WINDOW in the ENVI_BATCH_INIT procedure controls the initial state of the status window.




OFF (optional)

Set this keyword to prevent display of the ENVI Classic processing status window.

ON (optional)

Set this keyword to allow display of the ENVI Classic processing status window.


The following example runs statistics on the file bhtmref.img with and without the status window.

First, initialize ENVI Classic in batch mode with the status window present. Open the file bhtmref.img and use ENVI_STATS_DOIT to perform basic statistical calculations. During this process, the status window will be displayed. Next, turn off the status window and perform the same statistics processing. This time, the status window is not displayed. After each statistical calculation, print the mean value.

  compile_opt IDL2
  ; First restore all the base save files.  
  envi, /restore_base_save_files  
  ; Initialize ENVI and send all errors  
  ; and warnings to the file batch.txt  
  envi_batch_init, log_file='batch.txt'
  ; Open the input file  
  envi_open_file, 'bhtmref.img', r_fid=fid  
  if (fid eq -1) then begin
  ; Get the dimensions and # bands
  ; for the input file.  
  envi_file_query, fid, dims=dims, nb=nb  
  ; Set the pos to calculate
  ; statistics for all data (spectrally)  
  ; in the file.
  pos  = lindgen(nb)  
  ; Calculate the basic statistics and  
  ; print the mean.  
  envi_doit, 'envi_stats_doit', fid=fid, pos=pos, $
     dims=dims, comp_flag=1, mean=mean  
  print, 'Mean', mean
  ; Turn off the status window and do the same  
  envi_batch_status_window, /off  
  ; Calculate the basic statistics and  
  ; print the mean.
  envi_doit, 'envi_stats_doit', fid=fid, pos=pos, $
     dims=dims, comp_flag=1, mean=mean  
  print, 'Mean', mean  
  ; Exit ENVI  

API Version
