FILE_BASENAME: Return the basename of a file path.
FILE_DIRNAME: Return the dirname of a file path.
I18N_MULTIBYTETOUTF8: Convert multibyte to UTF8.
I18N_MULTIBYTETOWIDECHAR: Convert multibyte to UTF-16, wide-character (Unicode).
I18N_UTF8TOMULTIBYTE: Convert UTF-8 to multibyte .
I18N_WIDECHARTOMULTIBYTE: Convert UTF-16, wide-character (Unicode) to multibyte.
IDL_BASE64: Convert between byte arrays and MIME Base64 encoded scalar strings.
IDL_String: A collection of static methods that are available for all strings.
READS: Perform formatted input/output from a string variable.
STRCMP: Compare two strings.
STRCOMPRESS: Remove whitespace from a string.
STREGEX: Perform regular expression matching.
STRING: Convert arguments to string type.
STRJOIN: Collapse a string scalar or array into merged strings.
STRLEN: Return the length of a string.
STRLOWCASE: Convert a string to lower case.
STRMATCH: Compare search string against input string expression.
STRMID: Extract a substring from a string.
STRPOS: Find first occurrence of a substring within a string.
STRPUT: Insert the contents of one string into another.
STRSPLIT: Split its input string argument into separate substrings, according to the specified pattern.
STRTRIM: Remove leading and/or trailing blanks from string.
STRUPCASE: Convert a string to upper case.