The ASDF_FILE function creates a new ASDF_File object, which can be used to construct an ASDF file. The object contains the appropriate ASDF header, along with a nested hierarchy of variables. These variables can include objects of type ASDF_NDArray, YAML_Map, YAML_Sequence, Hash, List, or regular IDL arrays or scalars. ASDF_File is a subclass of YAML_Stream_Map, and inherits all of the methods and properties of that class.
This routine is written in the IDL language. Its source code can be found in the file in the lib/datatypes subdirectory of the IDL distribution.
Note: Calling ASDF_PARSE will automatically return an ASDF_File object. You can then access all of the nested variables using array indexing.
Note: Printing an ASDF_File object will automatically call YAML_SERIALIZE and the output will be in YAML format. To output a full ASDF file, call ASDF_WRITE.
Create an ASDF file containing a single variable:
file = ASDF_File('mydata', findgen(100,50))
help, file['mydata']
IDL prints:
<Expression> ASDF_NDARRAY <ID=32> float32 [50,100] internal
Note that the array was automatically converted into an ASDF_NDArray object when added to the ASDF_File. The dimensions are also reported in reverse order, since Python ndarrays are row-major, not column major like IDL.
Add another data block to the same file using array indexing, and then write out the data to a file:
file['moredata'] = bindgen(3, 100, 50)
ASDF_Write, 'myfile.asdf', file
If you parse an ASDF file, then the data will be returned as an ASDF_File. For example, using the file above:
a = ASDF_Parse('myfile.asdf')
help, a, a['mydata'], a['moredata']
IDL prints:
A ASDF_FILE <ID=15 NELEMENTS=4> TAG='!core/asdf-1.1.0' GLOBAL_TAGS=1
<Expression> ASDF_NDARRAY <ID=13> float32 [50,100] internal
<Expression> ASDF_NDARRAY <ID=14> uint8 [50,100,3] internal
You can access the data using either array indexing, or by retrieving the ASDF_NDArray and accessing the data property:
help, a['mydata','data']
arr = a['mydata']
In both cases, IDL prints:
<Expression> FLOAT = Array[100, 50]
Tip: IDL does not read the data from the file until the data is accessed. Once the data has been accessed then the array is cached within the ASDF_NDArray and is immediately available for further manipulation.
Result = ASDF_File(Key1, Value1, Key2,
Value2, ... Keyn, Valuen)
Return Value
Returns a reference to a newly-created object.
Each Key argument can be a scalar string or number.
Each Value argument can be a variable or expression of type ASDF_NDArray, YAML_Map, YAML_Sequence, YAML_Value, YAML_Alias, Hash, List, or a regular IDL array or scalar.
Note: If you pass in a regular IDL array, the array will be automatically stored inside a new ASDF_NDArray object within the ASDF_File. The original data will be unchanged.
Note: If you pass in a container (such as a YAML_Map/Sequence, or a Hash or List), then any IDL arrays within the container will be automatically converted to ASDF_NDArray objects. This will modify the original container.
All properties can be set and retrieved using the dot "." operator.
Set this property to a string or string array containing the global comments for this stream. By default, this property is automatically set to the standard ASDF header comments and should not normally be changed:
IDL> a = ASDF_File()
IDL> a.comments
#ASDF 1.0.0
%YAML 1.1
Set this property to a string or string array containing the global %TAG values for this stream. By default, this property is automatically set to the standard ASDF tag and should not normally be changed:
IDL> a = ASDF_File()
IDL> print, a.global_tags
Note: You can have a maximum of four global tags.
Set this property to a string containing the local tag value for this stream. By default, this property is automatically set to the standard ASDF tag and should not normally be changed:
IDL> a = ASDF_File()
IDL> print, a.tag
Methods and Additional Information
See YAML_Stream.
Variable Information
The HELP procedure provides general information:
IDL> stream = ASDF_File('mydata', findgen(100,50))
IDL> help, stream
PRINT and Implied Print
The PRINT procedure and Implied Print serialize the output in YAML format. Using the stream from above:
IDL> print, stream
IDL> stream
In both cases IDL prints:
#ASDF 1.0.0
%YAML 1.1
%TAG !
--- !core/asdf-1.1.0
asdf_library: !core/software-1.0.0 {author: The ASDF Developers,homepage: '',name: asdf,version: 2.14.3}
- !core/extension_metadata-1.0.0
extension_class: asdf.extension.BuiltinExtension
software: !core/software-1.0.0 {name: asdf,version: 2.14.3}
mydata: !core/ndarray-1.0.0
shape: [50,100]
byteorder: little
datatype: float32
source: 0
Note: While this is a valid ASDF header, it is missing the actual data block. To output a full ASDF file, use ASDF_WRITE.
Version History
See Also