The ChipToFile method chips the contents of a view directly to a file.
e = ENVI()
file = FILEPATH('qb_boulder_pan', ROOT_DIR=e.ROOT_DIR, $
SUBDIRECTORY = ['data'])
raster = e.OpenRaster(file)
view = e.GetView()
layer = view.CreateLayer(raster)
newFile = e.GetTemporaryFilename('tif')
view.ChipToFile, newFile, 'TIFF'
raster2 = e.OpenRaster(newFile)
view2 = e.CreateView()
layer2 = view2.CreateLayer(raster2)
ENVIView.ChipToFile, URI, Format [, Keywords=value]
A scalar string denoting the fully qualified file path for the saved chip.
A scalar string denoting the file format for the saved chip. An error is thrown if the format is unrecognized or unsupported by the raster. The valid string values are:
Format Strings
Description |
envi (default)
The ENVI image format. When you select this option, ENVI creates and saves an associated header file (.hdr) to disk.
KML is a file format used to display geographic data in a mapping service such as Google Earth, Google Maps, and Google Maps for mobile.
jpeg2000 |
Specifies NITF 2.0 and 2.1 or NSIF 1.0. If you select this option, you must also set the NITF_COMPRESSION keyword.
You will lose all NITF metadata, and default metadata values will be used based on NITF preferences.
Adobe PDF document
PowerPoint presentation file. This option is only available on Windows systems, and it requires the system to have Microsoft PowerPoint presentation software installed and licensed.
Note: Keywords not associated with the given format are quietly ignored.
If you specified pdf as the Format value, set this keyword to a string denoting the author of the document. This information will be part of the PDF document properties.
If you specified kml as the Format value, set this keyword to a string or array of strings denoting the description of the document. This information will be part of the document metadata.
If you specified ppt as the Format value, set this keyword to a string or array of strings denoting the description of the document. This information will be part of the Notes section of the slide. If the center of the chip has known coordinates, these will also be added to the notes of the slide.
Set this keyword to a named variable that will contain any error message issued during execution of this routine. If no error occurs, the ERROR variable will be set to a null string (''). If an error occurs and the routine is a function, then the function result will be undefined.
When this keyword is not set and an error occurs, ENVI returns to the caller and execution halts. In this case, the error message is contained within !ERROR_STATE and can be caught using IDL's CATCH routine. See IDL Help for more information on !ERROR_STATE and CATCH.
See Manage Errors for more information on error handling in ENVI programming.
If you specified pdf as the Format value, set this keyword to a comma-separated string denoting the keywords associated with the document. This information will be part of the PDF document properties.
If you used 'nitf' as the Format value, set this keyword to a string denoting the NITF compression type. The valid string values are as follows:
- epje num lossless
- epje vis lossless
- jpeg dct (high)
- jpeg dct (low)
- jpeg dct (medium)
- no compression (default)
- npje num lossless
- npje vis lossless
- transcode epje to npje
- transcode npje to epje
See Compression Options for more details on these settings.
If you specified pdf as the Format value, set this keyword to a string denoting the subject of the document. This information will be part of the PDF document properties.
If you specified pdf as the Format value, set this keyword to a string denoting the title of the document. This information will be part of the PDF document properties.
If you used kml as the Format value, set this keyword to a string denoting the title of the document. This information will be displayed as the layer name.
Version History
API Version
See Also
ENVIView, ENVIView::Chip, ENVIView::Export, ENVIRasterLayer::Export