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Math - Wavelets

WV_APPLET Runs the IDL Wavelet Toolkit graphical user interface.
WV_CW_WAVELET Select and display wavelet functions.
WV_CWT Returns the one-dimensional continuous wavelet transform of the input array.
WV_DENOISE Uses the wavelet transform to filter (or de-noise) a multi-dimensional array.
WV_DWT Returns the multi-dimensional discrete wavelet transform of the input Array.
WV_FN_COIFLET Constructs wavelet coefficients for the Coiflet wavelet function.
WV_FN_DAUBECHIES Constructs wavelet coefficients for the Daubechies wavelet function.
WV_FN_GAUSSIAN Constructs wavelet coefficients for the Gaussian wavelet function.
WV_FN_HAAR Constructs wavelet coefficients for the Haar wavelet function.
WV_FN_MORLET Constructs wavelet coefficients for the Morlet wavelet function.
WV_FN_PAUL Constructs wavelet coefficients for the Paul wavelet function.
WV_FN_SYMLET Constructs wavelet coefficients for the Symlet wavelet function.
WV_IMPORT_DATA Add a variable to the currently active WV_APPLET widget from the IDL> command prompt.
WV_IMPORT_WAVELET Add wavelet functions to the currently-active Wavelet Toolkit(s).
WV_PLOT_MULTIRES Graphical user interface for multiresolution analysis.
WV_PLOT3D_WPS Graphical user interface for three-dimensional visualization of the wavelet power spectrum.
WV_PWT Partial wavelet transform of the input vector A.
WV_TOOL_DENOISE Graphical user interface for wavelet filtering and denoising.

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