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Display Control

ENVIAnnotationLayer This is a reference to an annotation layer object.
ENVIAnnotationLayer::Close Closes the ENVIAnnotationLayer.
ENVIAnnotationLayer::MoveDown Moves the ENVIAnnotationLayer down one level in the order stack.
ENVIAnnotationLayer::MoveToBottom Moves the ENVIAnnotationLayer to the bottom of the order stack.
ENVIAnnotationLayer::MoveToTop Moves the ENVIAnnotationLayer to the top of the order stack.
ENVIAnnotationLayer::MoveUp Moves the ENVIAnnotationLayer up one level in the order stack.
ENVIGridLinesLayer This is a reference to an ENVIGridLinesLayer object
ENVIGridLinesLayer::Close Closes the ENVIGridLinesLayer
ENVIGridLinesLayer::GetView Returns the ENVIView where the layer resides
ENVIGridLinesLayer::MoveDown Moves the layer down one level in the order stack
ENVIGridLinesLayer::MoveToBottom Moves the layer to the bottom of the order stack
ENVIGridLinesLayer::MoveToTop Moves the layer to the top of the order stack
ENVIGridLinesLayer::MoveUp Moves the layer up one level in the order stack
ENVIParameterUI This is the base class of all user interface (UI) classes.
ENVIParameterUI::BuildUI Builds widgets for an ENVIParameterUI object.
ENVIParameterUI::GetValue Returns the current value of the UI element as defined by the user.
ENVIParameterUI::SetValue Populates a user interface (UI) with user-specified values.
ENVIPortal Reference to a portal object.
ENVIPortal::Animate Controls various animation actions between layers displayed in the portal.
ENVIPortal::Close Closes the portal.
ENVIRasterLayer Reference to a raster layer object.
ENVIRasterLayer::Close Closes the ENVIRasterLayer.
ENVIRasterLayer::Export Saves a raster layer to an image format.
ENVIRasterLayer::GetLayer Returns the top-most ENVIROILayer.
ENVIRasterLayer::GetView Returns the ENVIView where the layer resides.
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