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Math - Special Functions

BESELI Returns the I Bessel function of order N for X.
BESELJ Returns the J Bessel function of order N for X.
BESELK Returns the K Bessel function of order N for X.
BESELY Returns the Y Bessel function of order N for X.
BETA Returns the value of the beta function.
ERF Returns the value of an error function.
ERFC Returns the value of a complementary error function.
ERFCX Returns the value of a scaled complementary error function.
EXPINT Returns the value of the exponential integral.
GAMMA Returns the gamma function of X.
IBETA Computes the incomplete beta function.
IGAMMA Computes the incomplete gamma function.
LAGUERRE Returns value of the associated Laguerre polynomial.
LEGENDRE Returns value of the associated Legendre polynomial.
LNGAMMA Returns logarithm of the gamma function of X.
SPHER_HARM Returns value of the spherical harmonic function.

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