The IDLgrModel::Draw procedure method draws the specified picture to the specified graphics destination. This method is provided for purposes of sub-classing only, and is intended to be called only from the Draw method of a subclass of IDLgrModel.
Note: Objects are drawn to the destination device in the order that they are added to the model, view, viewgroup, or scene object that contains them.
Obj->[IDLgrModel::]Draw, Destination, Picture
The destination object (IDLgrBuffer, IDLgrClipboard, IDLgrPrinter, or IDLgrWindow) to which the specified view object will be drawn.
The view (an instance of an IDLgrView object), viewgroup (an instance of an IDLgrViewgroup object), or scene (an instance of an IDLgrScene object) to be drawn.
Version History
See Also
Translating, Rotating and Scaling Objects,