iTool Creation Routines
ICONTOUR: Create an iTool containing contour data.
IIMAGE: Create an iTool containing image data.
IMAP: Display georeferenced data in an iTool.
IPLOT: Create an iTool containing plot data.
ISURFACE: Create an iTool containing surface data.
IVECTOR: Create an iTool containing vector data.
IVOLUME: Create an iTool containing volume data.
iTool Procedural Routines
ICONVERTCOORD: Convert between iTool coordinate systems.
IDELETE: Delete an iTool.
IDLITSYS_CREATETOOL: Create an instance of the specified iTool.
IELLIPSE: Create an ellipse annotation in an existing iTool.
IGETCURRENT: Retrieve the iTool identifier of the current tool.
IGETDATA: Retrieve data from a specified iTools visualization.
IGETID: Retrieve the full iTool object identifier string for a visualization item.
IGETPROPERTY: Retrievs a property value from an iTools visualization.
IOPEN: Open a file, reads the data, and adds the data to IDL’s current scope.
IPOLYGON: Create a polygon annotation in an existing iTool.
IPOLYLINE: Create a line annotation in an existing iTool.
IPUTDATA: Replace the data in a specified iTools visualization.
IREGISTER: Register iTool object classes or other iTool functionality.
IRESET: Reset the IDL iTools session.
IRESOLVE: Resolve all IDL code required for the iTools framework.
IROTATE: Rotate an iTools visualization.
ISAVE: Save the contents of the current iTool as an image file.
ISCALE: Scale an iTools visualization.
ISETCURRENT: Set the current iTool.
ISETPROPERTY: Set a property on one or more iTools visualizations.
ITEXT: Create a text annotation in an existing iTool.
ITRANSLATE: Translate an iTools visualization.
IZOOM: Change the zoom factor on an iTools visualization.
REGISTER_CURSOR: Associates a given name with cursor information for use in iTools.
iTool Framework Objects
See iTool Framework Objects.