Analysis Objects
IDLanROI: An object referencing a region of interest.
IDLanROIGroup: Analytical representation of a group of regions of interest.
File Format Objects
IDLffDICOM: Contains the data for one or more images embedded in a DICOM Part 10 file.
IDLffDicomEx: Allows you to read and write data contained in a DICOM file.
IDLffJPEG2000: Functionality for reading and writing JPEG-2000 files.
IDLffLangCat: Finds and loads an XML language catalog.
IDLffMrSID: Used to query information about and load image data from a MrSID (.sid) image file.
IDLffShape: Contains geometry, connectivity and attributes for graphics primitives.
IDLffVideoRead: Opens and reads a video file.
IDLffVideoWrite: Write to a video file.
IDLffXMLDOMAttr: An object referencing an attribute that is part of an element object in an XML document.
IDLffXMLDOMCDATASection: Used to escape blocks of text in an XML document containing characters that would otherwise be regarded as markup.
IDLffXMLDOMCharacterData: Extension of the IDLffXMLDOMNode class that supplies a set of methods for accessing character data in the XML DOM tree.
IDLffXMLDOMComment: An object referencing the content of an XML comment.
IDLffXMLDOMDocument: An object referencing the entire XML document as the root of the XML document tree and by providing the primary access to the document’s data.
IDLffXMLDOMDocumentFragment: An object referencing a document fragment in an XML document.
IDLffXMLDOMDocumentType: References a DocumentType node in an XML document.
IDLffXMLDOMElement: References an element node in an XML document.
IDLffXMLDOMEntity: References an entity, either parsed or unparsed, in an XML document.
IDLffXMLDOMEntityReference: References an entity reference node in an XML document.
IDLffXMLDOMNamedNodeMap: Container for IDLffXMLDOM nodes that uses node names to access the nodes.
IDLffXMLDOMNode: Abstract class used as a superclass for other IDLffXMLDOM node classes.
IDLffXMLDOMNodeIterator: Allows iterative navigation of the XML DOM tree.
IDLffXMLDOMNodeList: Container for IDLffXMLDOM nodes.
IDLffXMLDOMNotation: An object referencing a notation in the XML DTD.
IDLffXMLDOMProcessingInstruction: An object referencing a processing instruction in an XML document.
IDLffXMLDOMText: References a text node in the XML document.
IDLffXMLDOMTreeWalker: Allows tree-walking navigation of the XML DOM tree.
IDLffXMLSAX: An object referencing an XML SAX level 2 parser.
IDLgrVRML: Saves the contents of an Object Graphics hierarchy into a VRML 2.0 format file.
Graphic Objects – Destination
IDLgrBuffer: An in-memory, off-screen destination object.
IDLgrClipboard: A destination object representing the native clipboard.
IDLgrPDF: A destination object that outputs to a PDF file.
IDLgrPrinter: An object referencing a hardcopy graphics destination.
IDLgrWindow: An object referencing an on-screen area on a display device that serves as a graphics destination.
Graphic Objects
IDLgrAxis: An object referencing a single vector that may include a set of tick marks, tick labels, and a title.
IDLgrColorbar: Consists of a color-ramp with an optional framing box and annotation axis.
IDLgrContour: Draws a contour plot from data stored in a rectangular array or from a set of unstructured points.
IDLgrFont: An object referencing a typeface, style, weight, and point size that may be associated with text objects.
IDLgrImage: An object referencing a mapping from a 2D array of data values to a 2D array of pixel colors, resulting in a flat 2D-scaled version of the image, drawn at Z = 0.
IDLgrLegend: Provides a simple interface for displaying a legend.
IDLgrLight: A light source for 3D graphic objects.
IDLgrModel: An object graphics container that can be transformed (rotated, scaled, and/or translated).
IDLgrPalette: An object referencing a color lookup table that maps indices to red, green, and blue values.
IDLgrPattern: Describes which pixels are filled and which are left blank when an area is filled.
IDLgrPlot: Creates set of polylines connecting data points in 2D space.
IDLgrPolygon: An object referencing one or more polygons that share a set of vertices and rendering attributes.
IDLgrPolyline: An object referencing one or more polylines that share a set of vertices and rendering attributes.
IDLgrROI: Object graphics representation of a region of interest.
IDLgrROIGroup: Object Graphics representation of a group of regions of interest.
IDLgrScene: An object that serves as a container of IDLgrView or IDLgrViewgroup objects.
IDLgrSurface: A shaded or vector representation of a mesh grid. No superclasses.
IDLgrSymbol: An object referencing a graphical element that is plotted relative to a particular position.
IDLgrTessellator: Decomposes a polygon description into a set of triangles.
IDLgrText: An object referencing one or more text strings that share common rendering attributes.
IDLgrView: An object graphics container that represents a rectangular area in which graphics objects are drawn.
IDLgrViewgroup: An object graphics container that can contain IDLgrView objects and also objects without a Draw method.
IDLgrVolume: An object referencing mapping from a 3D array of data to a 3D array of voxel colors, which, when drawn, are projected to two dimensions.
Miscellaneous Objects
IDL_Container: A container for other objects.
IDL_IDLBridge: Creates and controls a synchronous or an asynchronous child IDL process.
IDL_Object: A parent class that allows your object class to use operator overloading.
IDL_Savefile: Provides query and restore capabilities for SAVE files.
IDLjavaObject: An IDL object encapsulating a Java object.
IDLsysMonitorInfo: Contains information about the display monitor or monitors attached to your system.
TrackBall: Translates widget events from a draw widget into transformations that emulate a virtual trackball.
Network Objects
IDLnetJPIP: Allows for the ability to stream JPEG2000 imagery from a remote JPIP server.
IDLnetOGCWCS: Provides the ability to query and return data from an OGC Web Coverage Service server.
IDLnetOGCWMS: Provides the ability to query and return data from an OGC Web Map Service server.