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Deep Learning API

Bounding Boxes Background  
BuildDeepLearningRaster Task Builds a raster that can be used for deep learning purposes, such as classification.
BuildLabelRasterFromClassification Task Creates a label raster from an input raster and binary classification raster, which can be used to train a model.
BuildLabelRasterFromROI Task Creates a label raster from an input raster and regions of interest (ROIs) that correspond to a specific feature.
BuildObjectDetectionRasterFromAnnotation Task Builds an object detection raster from an input raster and an annotation file indicating features of interest.
BuildObjectDetectionRasterFromROI Task Builds an object detection dataset from an input raster and an ROI file indicating features of interest.
BuildObjectDetectionRasterFromVector Task Builds an object detection raster from an input raster and a vector file indicating features of interest.
ClassActivationToClassification Task Creates a classification raster from a class activation raster generated by a deep learning model.
ClassActivationToPixelROI Task Creates pixel regions of interest (ROIs) from a class activation raster generated by a deep learning model.
ClassActivationToPolygonROI Task Creates polygon regions of interest (ROIs) from a class activation raster generated by a deep learning model.
ClassActivationToPolygonShapefile Task Converts a class activation raster to a polygon shapefiles.
ClassActivationToPolylineShapefile Task This task creates a polyline shapefile from a single-band class activation raster generated by a deep learning model.
Deep Learning Routines and Tasks  
ENVI Deep Learning Parameter Classes  
ENVI Routines for Deep Learning  
ENVIBoundingBoxSet Returns a reference to a bounding box set, used to label features of interest in object detection.
ENVIBoundingBoxSet::AddBoundingBox Adds a bounding box to an ENVIBoundingBoxSet.
ENVIBoundingBoxSet::AddClass Adds a new class to an ENVIBoundingBoxSet.
ENVIBoundingBoxSet::GetBoundingBox Returns bounding box coordinates for a specified class.
ENVIBoundingBoxSet::GetENVIGeoJSON Returns GeoJSON code suitable for creating regions of interest via the ENVI GeoJSONToROI task.
ENVIBoundingBoxSet::RemoveBoundingBox Returns GeoJSON code that contains bounding box information.
ENVIBoundingBoxSet::RemoveClass Removes a specified class from an ENVIBoundingBoxSet.
ENVIDeepLearningGeoJSONToROI Converts GeoJSON code containing bounding box information to polygon regions of interest.
ENVIDeepLearningLabelRaster Constructs a lightweight ENVIDeepLearningRaster subclass from a file that can be used with ENVITasks in ENVI Deep Learning.
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