The IDLffShape::GetProperty procedure method returns the values of properties associated with a Shapefile object. These properties are:

  • Number of entities
  • The type of the entities
  • The number of attributes associated with each entity
  • The names of the attributes
  • The name, type, width, and precision of the attributes
  • The status of a Shapefile
  • The filename of the Shapefile object


Obj->[IDLffShape::]GetProperty [, PROPERTY=variable]




Any property listed under IDLffShape Properties that contains the word “Yes” in the “Get” column of the properties table can be retrieved using this method. To retrieve the value of a property, specify the property name as a keyword set equal to a named variable that will contain the value of the property.


In the following example, the number of entities and the entity type is returned:

PRO entity_info
  ; Open the states Shapefile in the examples directory.
  myshape=OBJ_NEW('IDLffShape', FILEPATH('states.shp', $
     SUBDIR=['examples', 'data']))
  ; Get the number of entities and the entity type.
  myshape->GetProperty, N_ENTITIES=num_ent, $
  ; Print the number of entities and the type.
  PRINT, 'Number of Entities: ', num_ent
  PRINT, 'Entity Type: ', ent_type
  ; Close the Shapefile.
  OBJ_DESTROY, myshape

This results in the following:

Number of Entities:       51
Entity Type:               5

In the next example, the definitions for attribute 1 are returned:

PRO attribute_info
  ; Open the states Shapefile in the examples directory.
  myshape=OBJ_NEW('IDLffShape', FILEPATH('states.shp', $
     SUBDIR=['examples', 'data']))
  ; Get the info for all attribute.
  myshape->GetProperty, ATTRIBUTE_INFO=attr_info
  ; Print Attribute Info.
  PRINT, 'Attribute Number: ', '1'
  PRINT, 'Attribute Name: ', attr_info[1].name
  PRINT, 'Attribute Type: ', attr_info[1].type
  PRINT, 'Attribute Width: ', attr_info[1].width
  PRINT, 'Attribute Precision: ', attr_info[1].precision
  ; Close the Shapefile.
  OBJ_DESTROY, myshape

This results in the following:

Attribute Number:           1
Attribute Name:    STATE_NAME
Attribute Type:             7
Attribute Width:           25
Attribute Precision:        0

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