The IDLffDicomEx::GetValueCount function method returns the number of values in a DICOM attribute specified by a standard DICOM attribute tag. This method allows you to return the number of values contained in public attributes. See IDLffDicomEx::GetPrivateValueCount for information on returning the number of values within a private attribute.
GetValueCount will fail if you attempt to return a value for an attribute that does not exist or an attribute that has been removed. If you are not sure if an attribute exists use IDLffDicomEx::QueryValue before calling GetValueCount.
Result = Obj->[IDLffDicomEx::]GetValueCount(DicomTag [, SEQID=integer] )
Return Value
Returns an unsigned long value indicating the number of values in the value field of the specified attribute as follows:
- A value of 0 indicates the tag had no value
- A value greater than 0 (n) indicates the number of values in the value field
A string that identifies the group and element of a DICOM attribute in the form 'XXXX,XXXX'. The DicomTag argument must reference a public tag. See DICOM Attributes for a list of tags.
Set this keyword only if retrieving the value of an attribute that exists within a sequence. Use this keyword to specify sequence identifier as follows:
- Set to a non-zero value (a sequence identifier) indicating the sequence in which the value is contained. This sequence identifier may have been returned via a previous call to the GetValue method.
- Set to 0 or do not specify this keyword to indicate the attribute exists at the root level of the DICOM file. This is the default.
The following example returns the number of items in a multi-valued Image Type attribute (0008,0008) and uses this value to cycle through the collection of values. For more information on the attribute, see IMAGE_TYPE.
PRO read_count_imagetypeattr
PATH=FILEPATH('',SUBDIRECTORY=['examples','data']), $
TITLE='Select DICOM Patient File', FILTER='*.dcm')
oImg = OBJ_NEW('IDLffDicomEx', sfile)
vCount = oImg->GetValueCount('0008,0008')
result = oImg->GetValue('0008,0008')
FOR i = 1, vCount DO BEGIN
Print, 'Result number', i, + ' is ', result[i-1]
For example, when you select us_test.dcm, the following is printed to the Output Log window:
Result number 1 is ORIGINAL
Result number 2 is PRIMARY
Result number 3 is EPICARDIAL
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