Error Functions
IMSL_BETA: Beta function.
IMSL_BETAI: Incomplete beta function.
IMSL_ERF: Error function.
IMSL_ERFC: Complementary error function.
IMSL_LNBETA: Logarithmic beta function.
Gamma Functions
IMSL_GAMMA_ADV: Real gamma function.
IMSL_GAMMAI: Incomplete gamma function.
IMSL_LNGAMMA: Logarithmic gamma function.
Bessel Functions with Real Order and Complex Argument
IMSL_BESSI: Modified Bessel function of the first kind.
IMSL_BESSI_EXP: Bessel function e-|x|I0(x), Bessel function e-|x|I1.
IMSL_BESSJ: Bessel function of the first kind.
IMSL_BESSK: Modified Bessel function of the second kind.
IMSL_BESSK_EXP: Bessel function exK0(x), Bessel function exK1(x).
IMSL_BESSY: Bessel function of the second kind.
Elliptic Integrals
IMSL_ELE: Complete elliptic integral of the second kind.
IMSL_ELK: Complete elliptic integral of the first kind.
IMSL_ELRC: Special case of Carlson's elliptic integral.
IMSL_ELRD: Carlson’s elliptic integral of the second kind.
IMSL_ELRF: Carlson’s elliptic integral of the first kind.
IMSL_ELRJ: Carlson's elliptic integral of the third kind.
Fresnel Integrals
IMSL_FRESNEL_COSINE: Cosine Fresnel integral.
IMSL_FRESNEL_SINE: Sine Fresnel integral.
Airy Functions
IMSL_AIRY_AI: Airy function, and derivative of the Airy function.
IMSL_AIRY_BI: Airy function of the second find, and derivative of the Airy function of the second kind.
Kelvin Functions
IMSL_KELVIN_BEI0: Kelvin function bei of the first kind, order 0, and derivative of the Kelvin function bei.
IMSL_KELVIN_BER0: Kelvin function ber of the first kind, order 0, and derivative of the Kelvin function ber.
IMSL_KELVIN_KEI0: Kelvin function kei of the second kind, order 0 and derivative of the Kelvin function kei.
IMSL_KELVIN_KER0: Kelvin function ker of the second kind, order 0, and derivative of the Kelvin function ker.