
IMSL_DATETODAYS: Date to days since epoch.

IMSL_DAYSTODATE: Days since epoch to date.

Constants and Data Sets

IMSL_CONSTANT: Natural and mathematical constants.

IMSL_MACHINE: Machine constants.

IMSL_STATDATA: Commonly analyzed data sets.

Binomial Coefficient

IMSL_BINOMIALCOEF: Evaluates the binomial coefficient.


IMSL_NORM: Vector norms.

Matrix Norm

IMSL_MATRIX_NORM: Real coordinate matrix.

Matrix Entry and Display

PM: Formatted output of arrays using the standard linear algebraic convention: “row” refers to the first index of the array and “column” refers to the second.

RM: Formatted input of arrays using the standard linear algebraic convention: “row” refers to the first index of the array and “column” refers to the second.