Troubleshooting a Retrieval Operation

There are common configuration errors that can lead to retrieval problems. If one of the following errors appear in the Status window of the Query Retrieve SCU tab, consider the following possible resolutions:



Move destination unknown.

The remote machine does not recognize the retrieve Destination Node. Try these steps:

  1. Make sure that your current Storage SCP Application Entity is selected in this droplist. This is described in Query the Remote Node.
  2. Echo the Storage SCP Application Entity to verify valid network connection settings. See Returning Connection Status with Echo.
  3. Try to send a file to the Storage SCP directory by selecting a local directory containing any DICOM file and sending it to yourself using the Storage SCU functionality. See Sending Files to a Remote Destination for details.

Unable to process error.

If all of the resolutions in the previous steps work correctly, the problem is likely with the configuration of the your Storage SCP Application Entity information on the remote machine. Check these settings on the machine you are attempting to query. See Defining a Machine to Be Queried for more information.

Files do not appear in the specified directory.

Restart the Storage SCP service. After making any changes to the configuration properties of a Storage SCP Application Entity while in system configuration mode (when the DICOM Network Services utility is started with DICOMEX_NET, /SYSTEM), you must stop and restart the Storage SCP Service. Use the Stop Service and the Start Service buttons on the Configuration tab. See Managing the Storage SCP Service for details.