For links to What's New information for other IDL 8.x releases, go to See Also.

New Features

Added platform support for macOS 12 (M1 and Intel 64-bit)



The COMPRESSION keyword of WRITE_TIFF procedure has been updated to include DEFLATE as a compression mode.

SAVE Procedure - EMBED Keyword

The keyword EMBED has been added to the SAVE procedure, which adds the Next-Generation embedded license to the SAVE file if the IDL session has access to a Developer’s Kit license.

Video Support

Windows 32-bit video support for the following has been dropped: IDLffVideoRead, IDLffVideoWrite, READ_VIDEO, WRITE_VIDEO.

Library Updates

The 3rd party libraries listed below have been updated to these versions:

  • CEF 99.2.14

  • curl 7.82.0
  • Eclipse Temurin JDK 17.0.1 (formerly AdoptOpenJDK JDK)
  • Eclipse Temurin JRE 17.0.1 (formerly AdoptOpen JRE)
  • Esri Projection Engine 12.9.0
  • FFMPEG 4.4.1
  • GDAL 3.4.2
  • libxml2 2.9.13
  • OpenSSL 1.1.1n
  • POCO 1.11.1
  • SQLite 3.38.1
  • xerces-c 3.2.3

The following 3rd party libraries have been added:

  • IDL Python Bridge support for python 3.10

The following 3rd party libraries have been removed:

  • IDL Python Bridge support for python 3.6

See Also

What's New in IDL 8.8.1

What's New in IDL 8.8

What's New in IDL 8.7.3

What's New in IDL 8.7.2

What's New in IDL 8.7.1

What's New in IDL 8.7

What's New in IDL 8.6.1

What's New in IDL 8.6

What's New in IDL 8.5.1

What's New in IDL 8.5

What's New in IDL 8.4.1

What's New in IDL 8.4

What's New in IDL 8.3

What's New in IDL 8.2.3

What's New in IDL 8.2.2

What's New in IDL 8.2.1

What's New in IDL 8.2

What's New in IDL 8.1

What's New in IDL 8.0