The IDLffDicomExCfg::Init function method initializes the IDLffDicomExCfg object. The IDLffDicomExCfg object allows you to set and retrieve the values of IDL DICOM Network Service configuration parameters. See Using IDL DICOM Network Services for more information.
By default, the IDLffDicomExCfg::Init method creates an association between the returned object and the user’s local DICOM Network Services configuration file. Use the SYSTEM keyword to create an object associated with the system-wide configuration file. See Local Versus System Configuration for additional information on the difference between the system and local configurations.
Init methods are special lifecycle methods, and as such cannot be called outside the context of object creation. This means that in most cases, you cannot call the Init method directly. There is one exception to this rule: if you write your own subclass of this class, you can call the Init method from within the Init method of the subclass.
Obj = OBJ_NEW('IDLffDicomExCfg' [, /SYSTEM])
Result = Obj->[IDLffDicomExCfg::]Init( [, /SYSTEM] )
(In a lifecycle method only.)
Return Value
When this method is called indirectly, as part of the call to the OBJ_NEW function, the return value is an object reference to the newly-created object.
When called directly within a subclass Init method, the return value is 1 if initialization was successful, or zero otherwise.
Set this keyword to create an IDLffDicomExCfg object associated with the DICOM Network Services system configuration file. By default, the created object is associated with the user’s local configuration file.
The following example code shows how to write and read a configuration file.
Note: Executing these commands will change the directory used by your local Storage SCP service. If you have already configured this value, be sure to change it back to your original value before retrieving files.
ocfg = OBJ_NEW('IDLffDicomExCfg', /SYSTEM)
status = ocfg->StorageScpService('stop')
PRINT, 'Stopping Storage SCP. Status: ', status
ocfg->SetApplicationEntity, 'my_stor_scp_aen', $
'my_stor_scp', 'my_machine_name', 2510, $
'Storage_SCP_Service_List', 'Storage_SCP'
ocfg->SetValue, 'StorScpServiceAE', 'my_stor_scp_aen'
myStorScpDir = GETENV('HOME') + PATH_SEP() + 'MyStorScpDir'
ocfg->SetValue, 'StorScpDir', myStorScpDir
status = ocfg->StorageScpService('start')
PRINT, 'Starting Storage SCP. Status: ', status
status = ocfg->StorageScpService('status')
PRINT, 'Storage SCP Status: ', status
defAE = ocfg->GetApplicationEntity('my_stor_scp_aen')
serviceAE = ocfg->GetValue('StorScpServiceAE')
PRINT, serviceAE
scpDir = ocfg->GetValue('StorScpDir')
PRINT, scpDir
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