The standard FORTRAN unformatted sequential file input/output mechanism performs file input and output by reading and writing blocks of data from (or to) a file as logical records. To read data, the FORTRAN program asks for the next logical record from an open file; the operating system is then responsible for determining how much data should be retrieved from the file. This system works well for operating systems like VMS, which organize files into records and can thus keep track of where logical blocks of data begin and end.
In contrast, the UNIX and Microsoft Windows operating systems supported by IDL treat files as an uninterrupted stream of bytes. In order to reconcile the FORTRAN need for logical records with these stream files, FORTRAN compilers for UNIX and Microsoft Windows provide a mechanism to add a longword integer count of the number of bytes in each logical record. This mechanism allows FORTRAN-generated data files that treat data as a series of logical records to be read on platforms that use stream files.
The F77_UNFORMATTED keyword to the OPEN procedures informs IDL that the file contains unformatted data demarcated by logical record identifiers. When a file is opened with this keyword, IDL interprets the longword counts properly and is able to read the logical records. Similarly, IDL can write data using the logical record format using the F77_UNFORMATTED keyword.
Use the F77_UNFORMATTED keyword if your IDL program is reading data that contain embedded longword logical record separators, or if your program is writing data that will be read by a FORTRAN program that reads unformatted sequential files.
Note: On 64-bit machines, some Fortran compilers will insert record markers that are 64-bit integers instead of the standard 32-bit integers. When reading FORTRAN data, IDL will attempt to recognize the presence of 64-bit record markers and switch to the appropriate format. When writing unformatted Fortran files, IDL will continue to use 32-bit record markers.
Note: Direct-access FORTRAN I/O does not write data using logical records, but transfers binary data to or from the file.
Reading Data from a FORTRAN File
The following FORTRAN program, when run on a UNIX or Microsoft Windows system (that is, an operating system that uses stream files), produces a file containing a five-column by three-row array of floating-point values with each element set to its one-dimensional subscript:
PROGRAM ftn2idl
REAL data(5, 3)
OPEN(1, FILE="ftn2idl.dat", FORM="unformatted")
DO 100 j = 1, 3
DO 100 i = 1, 5
data(i,j) = ((j - 1) * 5) + (i - 1)
print *, data(i,j)
WRITE(1) data
Running this program creates the file ftn2idl.dat containing the unformatted array. The following IDL statements can be used to read this file and print out its contents:
data = FLTARR(5,3)
OPENR, lun, 'ftn2idl.dat', /GET_LUN, /F77_UNFORMATTED
READU, lun, data
PRINT, data
Executing these IDL statements produces the following output:
0.00000 1.00000 2.00000 3.00000 4.00000
5.00000 6.00000 7.00000 8.00000 9.00000
10.0000 11.0000 12.0000 13.0000 14.0000
Because unformatted data produced by FORTRAN unformatted WRITE statements on an operating system that uses stream files are interspersed with extra information before and after each logical record, it is important that the IDL program read the data in the same way that the FORTRAN program wrote it. For example, consider the following attempt to read the above data file one row at a time:
data = FLTARR(5, /NOZERO)
OPENR, lun, 'ftn2idl.dat', /GET_LUN, /F77_UNFORMATTED
READU, lun, data
PRINT, data
Executing these IDL statements produces the output:
0.00000 1.00000 2.00000 3.00000 4.00000
% READU: End of file encountered. Unit: 100
File: ftn2idl.dat6
% Execution halted at $MAIN$(0).
Here, IDL attempted to read the single logical record written by the FORTRAN program as if it were written in five separate records. IDL reached the end of the file after reading the first five values of the first record.
Writing Data to a FORTRAN File
The following IDL statements create a five-column by three-row array of floating-point values with each element set to its one-dimensional subscript, and writes the array to a data file suitable for reading by a FORTRAN program:
data = FINDGEN(5,3)
OPENW, lun, 'idl2ftn.dat', /GET_LUN, /F77_UNFORMATTED
WRITEU, lun, data
The following FORTRAN program reads the data file created by IDL:
PROGRAM idl2ftn
REAL data(5, 3)
OPEN(1, FILE="idl2ftn.dat", FORM="unformatted")
READ(1) data
DO 100 j = 1, 3
DO 100 i = 1, 5
PRINT *, data(i,j)