The following are the IDL Java Package interfaces, classes and errors.

  Class Summary
Interface Description
JIDLComponentListener The listener interface for receiving component events (expose, resize) on a JIDLCanvas.
JIDLKeyListener The listener interface for receiving keyboard events (key pressed, key released) on a JIDLCanvas.
JIDLMouseListener The listener interface for receiving mouse events from IDL (press, release, enter, and exit) on a JIDLCanvas.
JIDLMouseMotionListener The listener interface for receiving mouse motion events from IDL (move and drag) on a JIDLCanvas.
JIDLMouseWheelListener The listener interface for receiving mouse wheel events from IDL on a JIDLCanvas.
JIDLNotifyListener The listener interface for receiving notify events from IDL.
JIDLNumber The JIDLNumber class wraps a primitive java number as a mutable object usable by the Java- IDL Export bridge.
JIDLObjectI The interface that wrapped IDL objects must implement.
JIDLOutputListener The listener interface for receiving output events from IDL.
JIDLArray The JIDLArray class wraps a Java array as an object usable by the Java-IDL Export bridge.
JIDLBoolean The JIDLBoolean class wraps a boolean as a mutable object usable by the Java-IDL Export bridge.
JIDLByte The JIDLByte class wraps a byte as a mutable object usable by the Java-IDL Export bridge.
JIDLCanvas This class wraps an IDL object of type IDLitWindow in a java.awtCanvas providing direct rendering of the object from IDL.
JIDLChar The JIDLChar class wraps a char as a mutable object usable by the Java-IDL Export bridge.
JIDLConst Contains constants used by the Java-IDL wrapper classes.
JIDLDouble The JIDLDouble class wraps a double as a mutable object usable by the Java-IDL Export bridge.
JIDLFloat The JIDLFloat class wraps a float as a mutable object usable by the Java-IDL Export bridge.
JIDLInteger The JIDLInteger class wraps an int as a mutable object usable by the Java-IDL Export bridge.
JIDLLong The JIDLLong class wraps a long as a mutable object usable by the Java-IDL Export bridge.
JIDLObject This class wraps an IDL object.
JIDLProcessInitializer The JIDLProcessInitializer class provides a mechanism to pass licensing initialization parameters to the JIDLCanvas and JIDLObject createObject methods.
JIDLShort The JIDLShort class wraps a short as a mutable object usable by the Java-IDL Export bridge.
JIDLString The JIDLString class wraps a String as a mutable object usable by the Java-IDL Export bridge.
JIDLAbortedException Thrown when a call to IDL is interrupted by an abort request.
JIDLBusyException Thrown when a call to IDL is not executed because the current IDL process is busy.
JIDLException An unchecked exception thrown when a call to IDL encounters an error.