Use the following code to initialize the newly created Java wrapper object (based on the IDL object described in Sample IDL Object) with its three parameters:
- A string
- A 32-bit long value
- An array that has two rows and three columns, containing 32-bit long values
See createObject for more information about object parameters. See IDL Java Object API for information on JIDL* objects.
- Create a Java file named and save it in the Export directory created by the Assistant. Include the following lines of code in the file:
// Reference the default package generated by the Assistant.
package idlexfoo
// Reference the javaidl export bridge classes.
import com.idl.javaidl.*
//Create main class, subclassing from object created by
//Bridge Assistant. You can either subclass or create a
//member variable of the object.
public class idlexfoo_example extends idlexfoo implements JIDLOutputListener
//Create a variable referencing the exported object
private idlexfoo fooObj
// Constructor.
public idlexfoo_example()
// These are the parameters we want to pass to
// the ::Init method
String str = "I am a string parameter"
int var = 24
int[][] array = {{10, 11, 12}, {20, 21, 22}}
// Wrap the Java types using Export Bridge data types
JIDLString parmStr = new JIDLString(str)
JIDLInteger parmVar = new JIDLInteger(var)
JIDLArray parmArray = new JIDLArray(array)
// Create the wrapper object
fooObj = new idlexfoo()
// Set up parameters to pass to createObject
final int ARGC = 3
Object[] argv = new Object[ARGC]
int[] argp = new int[ARGC]
// "in-only" parameter argv[0] = parmStr
argv[1] = parmVar
argv[2] = parmArray
// Add output listener to access IDL output.
// Create the underlying IDL object and call
// its ::Init method with parameters
fooObj.createObject(ARGC, argv, argp)
fooObj.executeString("PRINT, 'Created object'")
// implement JIDLOutputListener
public void IDLoutput(JIDLObjectI obj, String sMessage)
System.out.println("IDL: "+sMessage)
//Instantiate a member of the class.
public static void main(String[] argv)
idlexfoo_example exampleObj = new idlexfoo_example()
- Open the Windows Command window by selecting Start > Run and enter
cmd in the textbox.
- Use the cd command to change to the directory containing the idlexfoo directory.
- Reference the classpath of javaidlb.jar in the compile statement. Enter the following two commands (as single lines) to compile and execute the program, replacing IDL_DIR with the IDL installation directory:
javac -classpath ".;IDL_DIR\resource\bridges\export\java\javaidlb.jar" idlexfoo\
java -classpath ".;IDL_DIR\resource\bridges\export\java\javaidlb.jar" idlexfoo.idlexfoo_example
Tip: See Note on Running the Java Examples for information on non-Windows-style compile and execution commands.
After compiling and running the project, the output message will appear in the command window.