Use the Export drop-down list from any profile, the ENVI Plot window, or the Spectral Library Viewer to export to the formats described below.

Save to File

To save the plot data to an ASCII file:

  1. Select ASCII from the Export drop-down list. The Save to ASCII dialog appears.
  2. Enter a filename, then click OK.

To save the plot data to a spectral library file:

  1. Select Spectral Library from the Export drop-down list. The Save to Spectral Library dialog appears.
  2. Enter a filename, then click OK.

To save the plot to an image file in PNG, JPG, TIF, GIF, or BMP format:

  1. Select Image File from the Export drop-down list. The Please Select a File for Writing dialog appears.
  2. The default filename and format is envi_plot.png. Change the filename and file type as needed, then click Save.

To save the plot to a PDF file:

  1. Select PDF from the Export drop-down list. The Please Select a File for Writing dialog appears.
  2. The default filename is envi_plot.pdf. Change the filename as needed, then click Save.

To save the plot to a PostScript file:

  1. Select PostScript from the Export drop-down list. The Please Select a File for Writing dialog appears.
  2. The default filename is envi_plot.eps. Change the filename as needed, then click Save.

To copy the plot so it can be pasted into another application:

Select Copy from the Export drop-down list.

Export to IDL Variable

To export the plot data to an IDL variable that can be used at the IDL command line. This option is available only when you are running IDL+ENVI:

  1. Select IDL Variable from the Export drop-down list. The Export Curves to IDL dialog appears.
  2. Select the curve(s) for export.
  3. Select the variable to export the curve to. If the variable was previously defined, select the name from the Select Variable to Receive Export list. Otherwise enter the variable in the New Variable Name.
  4. Use the Export check boxes to specify whether to export X Data, Y Data, or both.
  5. Click OK.


Select Print from the Export drop-down list to get the standard Print dialog and print the plot to the selected printer.

Create a PowerPoint Slide

Creates a PowerPoint slide with an image of the current plot. Select PowerPoint from the Export drop-down list. The plot opens in PowerPoint.

Tip: Making the plot window as large as possible will improve the quality of the image inserted into PowerPoint.