Use Calibrate AVHRR to calibrate AVHRR data from the NOAA-12 though -19 satellites. Bands 1 and 2 are calibrated to percent reflectance, and bands 3, 4, and 5 are calibrated to brightness temperature, in degrees Kelvin.

  1. From the Toolbox, select Radiometric Correction > Calibrate AVHRR.
  2. Select an input file and perform optional spatial and spectral subsetting, then click OK. The AVHRR Calibrate Parameters dialog appears.
  3. Select the satellite number from the Satellite drop-down button.
  4. Select output to File or Memory.
  5. Click OK.

Output bands 1 and 2 are in % reflectance, and output bands 3, 4, and 5 are in brightness temperature, in degrees Kelvin.

Use Calibrate TIMS to calibrate raw data from the NASA Thermal Infrared Multispectral Scanner (TIMS) to radiance in units of W/m2/μm/sr.