Georeference ASTER Data
Use Georeference Data to georeference ASTER Level 1A data based on header information. ENVI performs a precision geocoding of the ASTER image using a complete geometry model of the earth and satellite orbit.
- Open an ASTER HDF file by selecting File > Open from the menu bar.
- Select Geometric Correction > Georeference by Sensor > Georeference ASTER from the Toolbox. The Input ASTER Image dialog appears.
- Select an ASTER Level 1A image file.
- Click OK. The Georeference ASTER Data dialog appears.
- Select the desired output map projection by selecting a projection type from the list. By default, a UTM map projection is selected based on header information.
- Enter the Number of Warp Points to use for X and Y. You may select a number of warp points up to the number of samples and lines in your image. If you select fewer warp points, they will be evenly spaced throughout the image.
Note: Using a large number of warp points will increase the processing time considerably.
- If desired, specify to save the warp points to a GCP file, by entering or choosing an output filename.
- Click OK. The Registration Parameters dialog appears.
- Select the warping and resampling methods and change the output dimensions, if desired. The triangulation method is recommended to produce the most accurate results; however, that method is much slower than polynomial warping.
- Enter or choose an output filename.
- Click OK.