Import Reference Data
You can import reference files to use with the project. Depending on the file types you import, you can:
- Add background shapes and images
- Provide data to calculate DEM precision
- Add observer points to use in Viewshed Analysis
To import reference files, select File > Import from the menu bar, then select the import type from the menu options. A dialog appears for you to select the desired file. Available import types are:
- Background Shape File: Provides shape references for boundary areas and for building vectors in QA Mode.
- Power Poles Locations from File: Provides power pole locations from an ASCII text file. After file selection, the first 15 lines of the file display in the Import Power Pole Locations dialog. Click on the table columns to display a list of labels. Click on the table columns to display a list of labels. Select the columns for the Name, X, Y and Z and specify the import coordinate system.
- Orthophoto Tiff File: Orthophoto TIFF files (typically a true-color orthophoto) provide a background picture for the 3D presentation.
- Observer Points Text File: An ASCII text file that contains coordinates for observer points for use with Viewshed Analysis. After you select the file, the first 15 lines of the file display in the Import Observer Points dialog. Click on the table columns to display a list of labels. Select the columns for X (East), Y (North), Z (Height), Name, and Radius and specify the import coordinate system. See Observer Points Text File Format.
Note: Spaces are not supported delimiters for importing observer points. Accepted delimiters are commas and tabs.