The Data Selection Dialog The Data Selection dialog appears when you select File > Save As > Save As (ENVI, NITF, TIFF, DTED) from the menu bar, or when you use a tool or workflow and are prompted to select an input file. Files that are already open are listed at the top of the dialog. To open a new file from disk, click the Open File icon in the Data Selection dialog. The Open dialog appears. Select an input file and click Open. The file is added to the top of the Data Selection dialog. To select a recent file, click the Open Recent icon in the Data Selection dialog and select a file to open. To access a remote dataset using the Open Remote Dataset dialog, click the Open Remote Dataset icon . To access a remote dataset using the Remote Connection Manager, click the Remote Connection Manager icon . Expand the File Information category to view pertinent file information. Perform any optional spectral or spatial subsetting. To select a previously opened file, Click OK.
The Data Selection dialog appears when you select File > Save As > Save As (ENVI, NITF, TIFF, DTED) from the menu bar, or when you use a tool or workflow and are prompted to select an input file. Files that are already open are listed at the top of the dialog.
Monitor Artic Ice Movements Using Spatio Temporal Analysis