Transform RGB to HSV, HLS, or USGS Munsell HSV
The following color transform options are available in ENVI to transform an RGB image into another color space:
- RGB to HSV: Transforms an RGB image into the HSV color space. The input RGB values must be byte data in the range 0 to 255. You must have either an input file with at least three bands or a color display open to use this function. The stretch that is applied in the color display is applied to the input data. The hues produced are in the range of 0 to 360 degrees (where red is 0 degrees, green is 120 degrees, and blue is 240 degrees) and saturation and value in the range 0 to 1 (floating-point).
- RGB to HLS: Transforms an RGB image into the HLS color space. The Hues produced are in the range of 0 to 360, where 0 = red, 120 = green, and 240 = blue; and lightness and saturation are in the range 0 to 1 (floating-point). You must have either an input file with at least three bands or a color display open to use this function. The input RGB values must be byte data in the range 0 to 255.
- USGS Munsell RGB to HSV: Transforms an RGB image into the USGS Munsell HSV color space. The input RGB values must be byte data in the range 0 to 255. You must have either an input file with at least three bands or a color display open to use this function.
- From the Toolbox, select one of the following:
Transform > Color Transforms > RGB to HSV Color Transform
Transform > Color Transforms > RGB to HLS
Transform > Color Transforms > RGB to HSV (USGS Munsell) Color Transform
The Input Bands dialog appears.
- Select the bands to transform from the Available Bands List. The names of the bands appear in the R, G, and B fields.
- To spatially subset your data, click Spatial Subset.
- Click OK. The Parameters dialog appears.
- Select output to File or Memory.
- Click OK. ENVI adds the resulting output to the Layer Manager.